2024 Policy Priorities

Below are the Housing California 2024 Policy Priorities. Please check back soon for our 2025 Policy Priorities.

Housing California’s 2024 Policy Priorities focuses on community members most in need of an affordable place to call home.

This includes people struggling to make ends meet and those experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. We utilize multiple strategies to meet these goals, including reforming California’s laws and regulations regarding land use and finance, as well as innovative approaches to end homelessness. Housing California leads with the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion to prioritize those who have been historically marginalized and/or neglected in decision-making processes, and we work in close collaboration with a variety of partners. These partners include non-profits, affordable housing developers, affordable housing residents and persons with lived experience, foundations, labor unions, trade associations, corporations, and supportive policymakers from a diverse set of backgrounds.

Our 2024 legislative priorities are listed below. As the legislative session progresses, please check this page for updates.

Other Priority Legislation

Support Bills

AB 1657 (Wicks)

Places a $10 billion bond on the November 2024 ballot to fund affordable housing development.

AB 1789 (Quirk-Silva)

Expands eligibility for HCD’s PRP, which finances rehabilitation of older, mostly deeply-targeted developments, to non-HCD projects.

AB 1820 (Schiavo)

Provides developers financial certainty and predictability when estimating the cost of local development impact fees on proposed housing projects.

AB 1932 (Ward)

Would provide an ongoing, dedicated state funding source for housing and homelessness prevention programs by eliminating the state mortgage interest deduction on vacation or second homes.

AB 2023 (Quirk-Silva)

Creates a rebuttable presumption of invalidity for housing elements deemed non compliant by HCD, raising the standard for jurisdictions to dispute or dismiss HCD’s determination of noncompliance.

AB 2304 (Lee)

Deals with masking evictions to protect credit reporting history.

AB 2347 (Kalra)

Eliminates the presumption that if a landlord says they served the tenant an eviction notice that they actually did, among other things.

AB 2353 (Ward)

Allows affordable housing developers to withhold property tax payments without penalty while their welfare exemption applications are pending.

AB 2835 (Gabriel)

Would help secure hotel and motel rooms for unhoused families by protecting hotels and motels’ authority to manage the occupancy of those rooms.

AB 2926 (Kalra)

In the one-year period before an owner of affordable housing proposes to convert to market-rate, requires an owner who receives a purchase offer from an affordable housing developer for full market value to either accept the offer or re-restrict the property.

AB 3160 (Gabriel)

Would increase affordable housing production by making permanent the enhanced state Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (Housing Credit).

AB 3242 (Luz Rivas)

Would establish the Commission on Cutting Red Tape, to identify administrative obstacles in governmental procedures.

SB 1187 (McGuire)

Would enact the Tribal Housing Reconstitution and Resiliency Act and would create the Tribal Housing Grant Program Trust Fund.

SB 1201 (Durazo)

Requires LLCs to disclose the human owner behind the business.

SB 1361 (Blakespear)

Clarifies that actions by local agencies taken to provide services for people experiencing homelessness are exempted from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

SB 1395 (Becker)

Empowers local governments who want to address our unsheltered homelessness crisis by building more interim housing do so more quickly and efficiently.

Oppose Bills

SB 1011 (Jones)

This bill would prohibit under state penal code the act of sitting, lying, sleeping, or storing personal property on any street or sidewalk if a homeless shelter is “available.”

SB 1438 (Niello)

This bill would provide an exemption for the eviction prohibition guidelines in Housing First.

AB 2417 (Hoover)

This bill would would repeal Housing First policies and related requirements.

AB 3186 (Petrie-Norris)

Would require access to records relating to prevailing wages from each contractor or subcontractor working on a public works project, as defined.

AB 3190 (Haney)

Adds tax credits to the definition of “paid for in whole or in part out of public funds” for purposes of defining what constitutes public works projects.


Housing California continues to co-lead and participate in a broad, multi-sector budget coalition. We finalized our shared budget request letter here. Housing California finalized a joint budget letter on homelessness funding as part of the Bring California Home coalition, with the California State Association of Counties, League of California Cities, and the Big City Mayors. Read the joint letter here.