For Immediate Release: Wed, Sept. 11, 2019
Contact: Adam Bink | | 415-495-4200 x113 | 716-725-4569 (cell)
Statement on the Legislature’s action concerning The Housing Opportunities Act (SB 329)
The following statement can be attributed to Lisa Hershey, Executive Director:
“Discrimination finds its way into many spaces. For too long, those spaces have included homes, where landlords often unreasonably bar those who seek to pay their fair share for shelter. We at Housing California applaud the Legislature for taking action today to remedy an aspect of this injustice by passing SB 329, the Housing Opportunities Act. Thanks to the efforts of legislators, the more than 300,000 Californians who receive Housing Choice “Section 8” Vouchers annually can finally compete on the same level ground as other community members when it comes to applying for a roof over their heads for themselves and their families. Their action will also ensure taxpayer funds dedicated to helping low-income families find homes will not go unspent, and help ensure fewer Californians experience homelessness simply because of the prejudice of a landlord.
“This effort would not have been possible without the strong leadership from the author, Senator Mitchell, and the Assembly floor manager, Assemblymember Gloria, along with the hard work of our co-sponsors, including the Western Center on Law & Poverty, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, the California Association of Housing Authorities, and the National Housing Law Project. Californians are fortunate to have such leaders working to end discrimination and address our housing affordability crisis, and we hope to count Governor Newsom among them with his signature on this bill.”