In response to Governor Newsom’s State of the State Address, Housing California Policy Director Christopher Martin issued the following statement:
Housing California was pleased to hear Governor Newsom once again in his State of the State raise the importance of ending homelessness which has become a public health crisis affecting our communities. This Administration has continued to bring forward bold solutions from innovative programs like Project Roomkey and Homekey to the most significant budget investments in housing production and homelessness in California’s history. As the Administration has continued to lead the way, we must also work to produce more affordable homes so all Californians can realize a better future for themselves and their families.
As Governor Newsom stated, “we recognize we have more work to do” and Housing California is dedicated to pushing these efforts forward. We need to continue this momentum and further scale programs to meet the need. Through frameworks like the evidence-based, equity-centered Roadmap Home 2030, we can create new homes, prevent, and end homelessness, protect people, and close racial equity gaps. It is also critical to ensure that efforts to enhance care and expand housing options for people with serious behavioral health conditions, including unhoused people, do not further criminalize them or take away their agency.
What does it take to end the housing and homeless crisis? An affordable home with the services necessary to remain stably housed. California must scale its investments in housing development programs to begin to address the 1.2 million shortage of affordable homes.
We look forward to working with the Governor to realize this vision where we center our State’s Housing First approach, build enough affordable housing for all and achieve a California where everyone can thrive.