Governor Newsom’s budget reflects key principles and policies highlighted in the Affordable Housing and Homelessness Framework released yesterday by Housing California and the state’s other leading affordable housing advocacy organizations.
Housing California is very encouraged by the Governor’s continued commitment to the more than 151,000 Californians experiencing homelessness and the millions of struggling renters. Governor Newsom took bold, immediate action to offer interim options for people struggling to find safe, decent, affordable housing through Project Roomkey.
The $750 million devoted to homelessness in this budget is critical as struggling Californians continue to recover from COVID-19. But it is essential to invest in long-term solutions beyond purchasing hotels and motels–solutions that can get Californians into safe, permanent homes more quickly, and help them afford to stay there. Proven solutions like rental and operating assistance help our neighbors, family, and friends find and stay in a home.
Furthermore, we are encouraged by the Governor’s commitment to affordable housing production, including a commitment of $500 million to Low Income Housing Tax Credits. This will ensure that the creation of new affordable housing will not stall in the aftermath of the pandemic.
We also appreciate the Governor’s attention to streamlining state housing programs, application, and reward processes. We look forward to working with the administration on ensuring that these improvements prioritize communities that need affordable homes the most.