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Article » California leaders have not owned the scale or vastness of the housing crisis

California leaders have not owned the scale or vastness of the housing crisis

Oct 27, 2023

The Sacramento Bee: California leaders have not owned the scale or vastness of the housing crisis | Opinion

It is nothing short of a crisis when a family struggles to afford a place to live. For too many Californians, sky-high housing costs eat up more than half of their income, leaving little for other basic needs like food, utilities, transportation, childcare and healthcare. On any given night, more than 171,000 Californians experience homelessness.

Low-income people, people of color, seniors and other marginalized people are disproportionately harmed, but the problem impacts all of us.

While the California Legislature and local governments have made some strides on housing, our state policymakers and government institutions have not owned the scale, vastness and insidiousness of the problem.

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