Gianna Marasovich

Jenny Welch

Gianna Marasovich

Project Manager – Strategic Initiatives

Gianna Marasovich joined the Housing California team in July 2024 as a Project Manager. In this role, she supports the work of the Strategic Initiatives team in moving forward critical platforms, such as the Roadmap Home 2030. Prior to this role, Gianna worked as a Housing Policy Analyst at the California Department of Housing and Community Development where she primarily worked on planning grant programs and housing elements and gained a deep understanding of local housing issues through this work.

Gianna recently received a Master of Science in Community Development from UC Davis. During her master’s program, she had the opportunity to join the California Housing Partnership as an Equity Policy Research Fellow where she assisted the research team and became familiar with affordable housing finance. For her master’s thesis, Gianna conducted a qualitative research study that explored the experiences of smaller local jurisdictions during the most recent housing element update and developed recommendations to improve the review process for this subset of local jurisdictions in California.

Gianna completed a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies from San Francisco State University in 2017.

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