Housing California
Shaping narrative, building power, and changing policy to end homelessness and create affordable homes for all.
Speak Out
Let’s advance bold, structural change today for a better California tomorrow!

Affordable Housing Bond of 2026 Introduced
Statewide Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2026 Introduced in the Assembly and Senate In January, Governor Newsom unveiled his proposed 2025-2026...

Find out which lobbying groups get their way most often in the California Legislature
CalMatters: Find out which lobbying groups get their way most often in the California Legislature Los Angeles and the Bay Area tend to get their way...

Learn About the Issues That We Care About

Did you know?
More than 187,000 people in California — from all walks of life — experience homelessness on any given night, and a series of systemic and social factors lead them there. People who are couch-surfing or living in an RV are still experiencing homelessness; they do not have a home to call their own.

Housing Affordability
Did you know?
In California, renters currently need to earn nearly 3 times the state minimum wage to afford average asking rents, but with 18.2% or approximately 40 million Californians suffering from poverty, those struggling the most cannot bridge the gap.
“As the premier state-wide convener on affordable housing and homelessness,
Housing California has representation from across sectors. Its board includes developers, health, labor, advocacy, and services to the homeless, ensuring that varied housing needs, challenges, and solutions are elevated; ultimately leading to more inclusive and impactful decisions than ever before.”

Arnulfo Manriquez
President and Chief Executive Officer, MAAC
The Work
Tackling California’s housing crisis is a multi-pronged endeavor; for Housing California, it involves shaping the narrative around homelessness and affordable housing, communicating the solutions to state legislature, and building multi-sector coalitions.
“Housing California has brought together different constituencies and moved them toward a common goal. It’s a complicated endeavor but a powerful one.”

Shamus Roller
Executive Director, National Housing Law Project

Systemic racial injustice, a widening wealth gap, and a shortage of homes people can afford are affecting our livelihoods and threatening what we love about California. Learn about the creation of our bold long-term plan to create the future we all want for California – our Roadmap Home 2030.
To end the state’s housing crisis, people who live in affordable housing across California must drive the conversation about affordable housing policy. We are more powerful when we are organized, and so we invite you to RUN with us!

JOIN US in securing homes, health and wealth for ALL CALIFORNIANS